Susan Wilder Clinical Hypnotherapist Cowes

Susan Wilder is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Wilder Therapies in Cowes, VIC


Contact Susan Wilder Clinical Hypnotherapist Cowes

Wilder Therapies
Cowes, VIC 3922

Ph: 0490 308 983
Email Susan


Association Memberships

  • Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH)



  • Diploma of Counselling
  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
  • Graduate Certificate in Family Violence


Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Family Violence
  • Trauma
  • Child & Adolescent
  • Women


About Susan Wilder’s Practice

Clinical Hypnotherapist Cowes

Susan Wilder is a qualified, experienced counsellor and clinical hypnotherapist, accredited member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH) and Australian Community Worker’s Association (ACWA).

Susan holds a Graduate Certificate in Family Violence and specialises in supporting trauma survivors and their families in recovery.

Wilder Therapies provides multi-therapeutic services, including integrated counselling and hypnotherapy in private practice located in Phillip Island (Victoria) and via tele-health consultations.

Approaching her work with a holistic lens, Susan supports clients with a blend of clinical and evidence-based practice, enhanced by natural, alternative therapies including prescription of Australian Bush Flower Essences, NLP, EFT and guided meditation for relaxation and recovery.

National Hypnotherapists Register

Member GoAH

Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists
