Shoaib Noor Clinical Hypnotherapist Guildford

Shoaib Noor clinical hypnotherapist practicing in Guildford and Westmead, NSW.


Contact Shoaib Noor Clinical Hypnotherapist

Shoaib Noor Hypnotherapist
81 Rawson Rd
Guildford, NSW 2161
Ph: 0477 361 367
Email Shoaib


Association Memberships

  • International Strategic Psychotherapists Association



  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Hypnotherapy


Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Addictions & Compulsive Behavior.


About Shoaib Noor’s Practice

I am a professional hypnotherapist registered with ISPA and keen to help people utilising the techniques of Milton Erickson. Ericksonian Hypnosis is unique in that it utilizes all that is unique and individual to the clients. Treatment options are varied and consistent with modern advances in neuroscience.

National Hypnotherapists Register

Member ISPA

International Strategic Hypnotherapists Association
