Rochelle Carmichael Clinical Hypnotherapist Alberton

Rochelle Carmichael is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing in Alberton, VIC 3971


Contact Rochelle Carmichael Clinical Hypnotherapist

Mind Movement Hypnotherapy
32 Kirksopp Street, Alberton, VIC 3971
Ph: 0419 966 225
Email Rochelle


Association Memberships

  • Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH)


  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy (IAP)


Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Anxiety, Empowerment, Pain and Performance Anxiety for student and professional performers.
    Blending somatic and specific movement practices to aid in stress, pain and emotional relief/release.


National Hypnotherapists Register

Member GoAH

Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists
