Carol Moore Clinical Hypnotherapist Everton Park

Carol Moore is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing in Everton Park, QLD 4053

carol moore clinical hypnotherapist brisbane

Contact Carol Moore Clinical Hypnotherapist

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1/510 South Pine Road

Everton Park, QLD 4053

Ph: 0733544555

Email Carol



Association Memberships

  • Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists

  • Membership Level: Clinical

  • Association Membership Number: 2022053


  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, The Traditional School of Traditional Healing. Awarded 1st August, 2003


Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Traditional Healing


About Carol Moore’s Practice

My name is Carol Moore and I am very privileged in continuing, so far for 20 years, to experience the positive changes that so many people have made through the power of hypnosis.

There are times in our lives when we feel the need  for change. In time we come to understand that whatever changes we require will involve those inner parts of our mind and body. Hypnosis, as a therapy, offers the opportunity to work on issues in a holistic and achievable way at that subconscious level.

These changes include habits such as smoking, alcohol, nail biting, etcetera, along with anxieties and worries, belief systems, moving past upsetting life experiences, and so much more. People who experience change through hypnotic experience can be aware of an increase in confidence through a real sense of personal achievement: good hypnotherapy is about empowerment.

Hypnosis therapy as I practice it is always based upon the individual situation of each client. A hypnotherapist must be flexible and adaptive, as each person has different issues and requirements. My aim is that people feel heard, and comfortable. Hypnotic trance can allow change to be experienced in a safe, secure environment, even if they involve the most distressing and upsetting events.

I am so grateful to all those people who are willing to step into the world of hypnosis therapy and thankful for their openness and honesty.




National Hypnotherapists Register
