Amy Pyers Clinical Hypnotherapist Geelong

Amy Pyers is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing in Geelong, VIC.

 Amy Pyers

Contact Amy Pyers Clinical Hypnotherapist

Movement Score
Geelong, VIC 3216
Ph: 0421192125
Email Amy Pyers
Website: TBA


Association Memberships

  • International Strategic Psychotherapists Association (ISPA) – Membership Number: 0187


  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy
  • Graduate Diploma of Somatic and Dance Movement Therapy
  • NLP Practitioner

Specialties / Areas of Interest

Amy Pyers helps overwhelmed & stressed individuals develop self awareness & create change using Strategic Psychotherapy.

She aims to identify and address underpinning thoughts and feelings that keep people stuck. This is important because these patterns can hinder personal growth and contribute to issues such as anxiety, stress, procrastination, addictions, overworking, relationship difficulties, and other problems.

Clients will also learn skills and strategies for challenging unhelpful beliefs and behaviours, cultivating more positive and adaptive patterns of thinking and behaving, improving your long-term effectiveness and success in life.

Clients are supported to develop a greater sense of control over their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, and will be better equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence and resilience. Ultimately, the goal is to help people find solutions and create change.

About Amy Pyers’ Practice

Movement Score was started to help people navigate through emotional, relationship and behavioural issues empowering them to tap into their own resources and support them to create change.

Amy offers a welcoming, trauma informed approach and have several years experience supporting clients from a variety of populations using Somatic and Dance Movement Therapy. Furthering her qualifications to include Strategic Psychotherapy and Hypnosis her modalities are complementary supporting the mind body relationship to achieve treatment goals.

National Hypnotherapists Register
