Amanda Hordern Clinical Hypnotherapist Hampton VIC

Amanda Hordern is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Bayside Healthy Living in Hampton, VIC.


Contact Amanda Hordern Clinical Hypnotherapist Hampton

Bayside Healthy LivingClinical Hypnotherapist Hampton
108 Willis St
Hampton VIC 3188

Ph: 1300 365 254
Email Amanda


Association Memberships

  • Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
  • Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH)


  • BN (Bachelor Nursing)
  • Grad Dip Ed.
  • Masters Education
  • PhD (Doctorate in behavioural research)
  • NLP Practitioner and trainer
  • Resource Therapy Clinical level
  • Diploma Hypnotherapy
  • Virtual Gastric Band training with Sheila Granger
  • Theta Healer Practitioner
  • Professional Supervision Course


Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Anxiety and Phobia Buster Program
  • Building Confidence and Self esteem
  • Sexual Health and well being
  • Professional Supervision

About Amanda Hordern’s Practice

Amanda Hordern is passionately committed helping people enhance their lives and be healthier and happier for it. Amanda is an experienced and nationally accredited clinical hypnotherapist, with an exceptional track record for helping people attain their healthy living goals.

With over 30 years in cancer care, conducting research, providing counselling and support to the cancer community, Amanda knows the importance of taking control of negative and limiting mind programs and placing energy into creating the powerful mindset you desire. Drawing on findings from latest Neuro Science, and incorporating them into your therapy sessions, you will be amazed at the healthy living outcomes you can easily and effectively achieve and maintain.


Amanda Hordern is a qualified hypnotherapist listed on the HCA National Register practicing in Hampton, Victoria

National Hypnotherapists Register

Member AACHP

Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

Member GoAH

Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists
