Graham Campbell Clinical Hypnotherapist Maribyrnong
Graham Campbell clinical hypnotherapist practicing at We Change Lives, Maribyrnong, VIC.
Contact Graham Campbell Clinical Hypnotherapist
We Change Lives
29 Wests Rd
Maribyrnong, Victoria 3020
Ph: 0417 306 823
Email Graham
Association Membership
- Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
- Diploma hypnotherapy
- Cert N.L.P
- Cert E.F.T
- Cert 4 Personal training
- Cert 3 Martial Arts
- Cert in Qi Gong
- Cert in Reiki
Specialties / Areas of Interest
- Quit smoking
- Weight loss
- Anxiety / Depression
- Phobias
- Confidence/ Self esteem
About Graham Campbell’s Practice
We are a little bit different. We offer hypnotherapy alongside NLP and EFT and if required, personal Training and Martial Arts to conquer your limiting beliefs so that you can be the best that you can be.