Jennifer Clairfayt Clinical Hypnotherapist Mudgeeraba
Jennifer Clairfayt is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Alpha Mind with Jenny in Mudgeeraba, QLD
Contact Jennifer Clairfayt Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alpha Mind with Jenny
Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213
Ph: 0407 415 690
Email Jennifer
Association Memberships
- Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH)
- Master of MH Nursing
- Hypnotherapy Diploma
- EMDR Diploma
- Post Grad Counselling Diploma
- Certified Meditation Instructor
Specialties / Areas of Interest
- Trauma therapy
- Mindfulness/Meditation
About Jennifer Clairfayt’s Practice
Jennifer Clairfayt, Clinical Hypnotherapist Mudgeeraba is an Accredited HCA Hypnotherapist listed on the Australian National Hypnotherapists Register