Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Norwest
Paul Smith is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Norwest Wellbeing in Norwest, NSW
Contact Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist
Norwest Wellbeing
L5 / 4 Columbia Court
Norwest, NSW, 2153
Ph: (02) 8069 9777
Email Paul
Association Memberships
- Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH)
- Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Strategic Psychotherapist
- NLP Practitioner
- Time-based Therapy
Specialties / Areas of Interest
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Weightloss
- Stress
- Adolescent anxiety
About Paul Smith’s Practice
Norwest Wellbeing takes a holistic approach to help people dealing with weight loss, anxiety, depression and stress. With the use of clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other complementary modalities like NLP. We create positive change to help you grow and live a full, happy life. You have the power to change your mind. Norwest Wellbeing can show you how.