Sophie Lippell Clinical Hypnotherapist Rose Bay
Sophie Lippell is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Life Foundations in Rose Bay and Curl Curl, NSW
Contact Sophie Lippell Clinical Hypnotherapist
Life Foundations
Rose Bay, NSW 2029
Ph: 0411 575 857
Email Sophie
Association Memberships
- Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
- BSc Nutrition & Psychology
- Grad Diploma of Counselling
- Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Certificate of Gestalt Therapy
- Certificate of Yalom and Analytic Group Psychotherapy
Specialties / Areas of Interest
- Addictions
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationships
- Childhood trauma
- Smoking cessation
- Spiritual regression and past life therapy
- Family therapy
- Supervision
About Sophie Lippell’s Practice
I offer psychotherapy, counselling and hypnotherapy to individuals, couples and families with a particular focus on addictions, depression & anxiety; childhood trauma, relationships and family