Christine Bell Clinical Hypnotherapist Sandringham

Christine Bell is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing in Sandringham, VIC.


Contact Christine Bell Clinical Hypnotherapist

Christine Bell
Sandringham, VIC 3281

Ph: 0421 179 221
Email Christine


Association Memberships

  • Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy


  •  Diploma in Hypnotherapy
  • Certificate of Applied Psychotherapy (Human Givens)
  • Certificate of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy Michael Yapko Ph.D
  • Certificate in Counselling skills
  • Certificate IV in Hypnotherapy
  • Certificate in Clinical Resource Therapy (Formerly Ego State Therapy)
  • Certificate in Coaching and training, measuring for success
  • Certificate in Influential Management and Leadership

Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Children’s issues
  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Change and transformation


About Christine Bell’s Practice

A Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist (Human Givens) who specialises in helping people overcome depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and some addictions using the Human Givens biosocial model of psychotherapy.

Christine also helps people achieve their goals in change and transformation.Additionally Christine uses a collection of metaphorical stories that rely on hypnosis and other relaxation techniques to help children deal with a wide variety of physical and behavioural problems.

Christine takes an integrated psychological and spiritual approach to change, growth, empowerment and healing. She draws on recent discoveries from psychology, neuroscience and hypnosis.

Christine Bell Clinical Hypnotherapist is a Qualified HCA Registered Hypnotherapist Listed on the HCA National Register

National Hypnotherapists Register

Member AACHP

Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
