Shariann Girgis Clinical Hypnotherapist Moonee Ponds

Shariann Girgis is a clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Plein Air Therapies in Moonee Ponds, VIC


Contact Shariann Girgis Clinical Hypnotherapist Moonee PondsClinical Hypnotherapist Westmeadows

Suite 201/17 Everage Street
Moonee Ponds, Vic 3039

Ph: 0411 872 863
Email Shariann

Association Memberships

  • Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy


  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)
  • Adv. Cert. in Residential & Community Services
  • Registered Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation Teacher (MBSM)
  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy Certification
  • Certificate in Eco-Psychotherapy

Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Trauma Renegotiation
  • Anxiety
  • Autonomic Nervous System Regulation
  • Depression
  • Life Transitions
  • Habit Issues
  • Phobias
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Nature Connectedness
  • Anger Management
  • Existential Crisis
  • Spiritual Connection

About Shariann Girgis’ Practice

Clinical Hypnotherapist Moonee Ponds

Clinical Hypnotherapy in Moonee Ponds

Healing, Connection, and Transformation
At Plein Air Therapies, I provide an integrative approach to mental health, combining mindfulness, neurophysiology, somatic awareness, and nature connection within a secure and nurturing environment.

A Supportive Therapeutic Environment
Your well-being is paramount. Together, we will work to alleviate emotional burdens, cultivate resilience, and establish a harmonious balance between mind and body.

Clinical Hypnotherapy: Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential
Utilizing clinical hypnotherapy, I facilitate the connection between the subconscious and conscious mind, thereby accelerating healing and personal growth. Through guided deep relaxation, I assist you in overcoming obstacles and embracing a more fulfilling life.

Somatic Experiencing: Reconnecting with the Body
Somatic Experiencing is a body-centered therapeutic modality designed to help you attune to your physical sensations and release stored tension or trauma. By leveraging the body’s inherent capacity for self-regulation, this practice promotes a deeper integration of mind and body, restoring a profound sense of safety and equilibrium.

Eco-Psychotherapy: Healing Through Nature
From August to May, I offer Eco-Psychotherapy to facilitate reconnection with the natural environment, thereby enhancing emotional well-being. This therapeutic approach includes activities such as vision walks, forest bathing, bird watching, nature-based meditation, nervous system regulation, soul-craft practices, nature sit-spot exercises, and plant spirit communication. Engagement with nature is a powerful catalyst for healing, stress reduction, and fostering an enduring sense of connection.

Reiki Healing: Restoring Balance
Reiki healing is a complementary therapy that promotes relaxation, enhances energy flow, and supports overall emotional well-being. Available in both in-person and remote formats, each session is designed with a period for integration and reflection, ensuring a seamless transition back to your everyday life.

You Are Supported and Valued
Your healing journey is unique. I am dedicated to guiding you with empathy, expertise, and a commitment to the highest standards of care.

Shariann Girgis
Dip.ClinHyp Adv.Cert.R&CI.D. SEP

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