Mel Baylis Clinical Hypnotherapist Maryland

Mel Baylis is a provisional clinical hypnotherapist practicing at Hunter Hypnotics in Maryland


Contact Mel Baylis Clinical Hypnotherapist

115 Callan Avenue, Maryland, NSW 2287

Ph: 0432 599 314
Email: Mel Baylis


Association Memberships

  • Guild of Australian Hypnotehrapist
  • International Strategic Psychotherapists Association



  • Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Life and Success coach


Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • NDIS Coordinator of Support


About Mel’s Practice

My intention for Hunter Hypnotics is to provide you with tools and resources so that you can better understand yourself, and the way that your mind works, to help you to overcome whatever it is that has been holding you back. Let’s introduce a spark of life that lights up your soul from the inside out.

I have been in the Allied Healthcare sector for over 6 years now, working with life’s most vulnerable people in our community.

I have a passion for helping people by exploring the mind and body connection, and how it can positively impact the way that you function on a daily basis.
I first gained interest in hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and mindset coaching when I realised that I was the only person holding myself back from living the life I desired and becoming a better version of myself.

I wanted to gain control over my emotions and thoughts and gain the knowledge and power to rewire myself so that I can live my life free from fears, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviours and past traumas.

I gained so much clarity and wisdom by connecting to my unconscious mind, and I was blown away by how quickly my life started to change for the better.

I see it as a gift, that I can help spread some light to those who only see darkness. Now I have a whole toolkit of techniques to not only spread some light but to help people find their own light.

National Hypnotherapists Register
